Sunday, April 28, 2019


Early this week it seemed like winter was truly over with the last of the ice floes parading past. Some 'bergs mimicked the big ones in Newfoundland --- what's the opposite of "titanic"? Over at Big Bay you can now skip the ice for something handier.

Can't skip the yard work, though. Last fall's leaves have to be raked up and barged away. And Pond Girl is rubberized, as slippery as the soggy bottom. Bail her out!

Pat de-clutters and recycles and does a good deed all at the same time. Classy clothing was gathered from closets, sisters, BIL, and even me. Then taken to good old Seneca College. Graduating students then chose pieces to wear for job interviews! Win, win, win.

On the drive back from the city, a picnic on the sunny shores of Collingwood. Scenic with a recreational vibe in the air. The last of the snow still clinging to ski slopes.

Did I say the last of the snow? Not! Another storm blasted through, leaving deep snow on the deck chairs, April 27 on the lawn, and grim car rollovers.

So now is it Spring The Sequel? This turkey has lost her head just thinking about it. A squirrel checks out somewhere to hide, just in case. Red polls swarm the feed trough, now that the juncos have moved on. And finally, the ChiChee glides past like an old friend back from the south. Time to Travel In Good Spirits?!

Sunday, April 21, 2019


First, here's the climate change evidence from the weather channel in our yard. Snow last Sunday, leaves un-rakeable, then pouring rain flooding the gardens, swim hole fills automatically. Dry canyon becomes torrent, forcing water into neighbour's basement.

Then sun appears mid-week, hooray! All kinds of work to catch up on, like in the pond. One fish has survived out of dozens. Trio of salamanders not so lucky.

The unstoppable winged migration continues. This week's arrivals include red-bellied woodpecker, fox sparrow, purple finches, and male/female cowbirds.

Sunrises are earlier and bring some warmth. But still ice floes coming down from the north ---- rare blue ice shows the purity of the water!

Today is the Bunny's day to shine, too. (Last night he joined in a birthday celebration --- 55 years for a certain iconic car: the red strawberry and white whipped cream (top down) are obvious clues...

This morning the Bunny emerged from the woods, treats in hand. Afterwards there was a chance to bask in the uplifting meaning of the day. But the Leafs go this afternoon ---- Happy Easter(n Conference)??

Sunday, April 14, 2019


A lot of movement this week but let's get on the weather roller-coaster first. Last Sunday we were still shoveling the hillway snow-ice. Then it went to a record 21C. Then it was rain and wet snow. The pond tried to thaw. Then it was warmish and so windy we tried the first clothesline of the season. And today the sunset is back to Spring Spectacular. Got that?

The big news is that we left Toronto again, maybe for a long while. So a new range and cleaning everything for the new tenants. Another loaded moving van (note the couch put out on the sidewalk).

And that means another pile of stuff to sort at Kemble. What would you do with duplicates of kitchen stuff, bedding, appliances, TV's, etc? Some stays, some goes to the barn, but a lot is donated and/or recycled. Been here, done that --- a few times.

Meanwhile back at Wineva, the neighbour's security cam showed the new tenants moving in. The old stove was nabbed within an hour by a scrap metal scrounger. And typically, the couch was loaded (overloaded?!) and taken too. Are those guys sitting on it tonight watching the playoffs??

The waves of spring migration are rippling in the woods. Three kinds of squirrels. Flickers, towhees, jays, cowbirds, cardinals, etc. How many juncos can you count on the ground? And lurking in the woods is the arch-foe wild turkey...

Signs of death amidst the life. Many fish didn't survive in the pond under thick ice for months. Feathers show the end of a bluejay. A junco trying to escape from a raiding falcon slammed into a window instead. But the contents of a bird box show determination to create the next life on the wing.

It's not all work and no play. Fun diversions were the local maple syrup festival. And a lot of laughs at the Tony Award-winning "25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee"--- adults playing kids and trying to spell words like supercallifragilisticexpealadosish? Did I get that right??

After all that, it's Palm Sunday complete with awesome sunrise today. Colourful croci are out and daffies won't be far behind. Let's start over, shall we?