Sunday, October 14, 2018


A climate changeable week that started out with heat wave, ominous sunrise, and monsoonish rain.

And strong northwest winds scattering ash and cherry leaves all over the pond, like a custom wallpaper pattern. Oh well, the pond has to be mucked out for the winter anyway. Before and after!

Meanwhile the other guy gives the apple tree a buzzcut. Reward? ---- the last bbq of the season.

A warmish day and the carguy will play. The wax will take if it's above 60F. Then have to add a front plate (not needed in Quebec...). Pat knows how to push my buttons...

All the critters are in transition too. Cattle are chomping on their last field day. Frogs float among the leaves. A young fox snake slithers towards a rock. Adolescent goldfinches load up before their long journey --- no in-flight snack?!?

By the end of the week the sun played peek-a-boo with the October clouds. All roads lead to autumn's paintbox of colours. Makes a girl want to smile...

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