Sunday, August 19, 2018


Gotta start with admiration and R-es-p-e-c-t for Aretha Franklin. Undisputed Queen of Soul for me, and a pile of memories blown away by her voice. Forever connected with Detroit, check out the video of her singing the hell out of "Freeway of Love". It's the one with the pink Cadillac and all the scenes are from the Motor City in its prime.

Not much respect for the recurring heat waves. Pretty bad when the cows are wading in their own drinking water. Then the heavy rains break it up and the cycle starts over...

A midweek trip down to the old stomping grounds of Durham. Pat always earns respect when she does a gardening presentation.

Then, feeling the tug to pay my respects to home town, off to Windsor --- didn't Aretha have a song about "looking out in the pouring rain..."? Detroit was in a haze but the Canadian side was bright with eye-popping colours and styles of the annual main street cruise. Lots of car candy to see in the casino parking lot. But with the top down, we blended right in with the other classics and joined in the cruise loop --- between a sweet yellow '67 Camaro and a badass modrod Malibu that burned out its tires behind us. Funny thing --- it's exactly the route I used to cruise in the '63 Fury, with gas at 30 cents a gallon....Respect for my wallet??

A coincidence? Not! The next day, over to Detroit for the biggest car cruise on earth. 40,000 cars looping on 4 miles of Woodward Avenue! Art on wheels. Things you've never seen before (like Santa Claus driving a '52 Buick ragtop) and things you didn't know existed (a 2,000 hp Peterbilt truck). Hard to beat --- a 1960 gullwing Chevy still owned by the original couple who got married in it and have been cruising Woodward in it every year since the '60's!

Too many to mention or include...

Hmmm. Somehow we found a parking spot right next to the Mustang corner corral. They let us in early to see the very 1st 1964 1/2 next to the recent 10,000,000th ---- both convertibles, same colours, both headed for the museum. In  tribute, the Yellow Mustang Club did a honkin' drive-by.

Too many to mention or include. But, as in Windsor the night before, we joined in the parade. Surrounded by cool pickups and hot GTO's. Sweet.

And finally, r-e-s-p-e-c-t to some family members. Cousins Bob & Ruth celebrating their 60th anniversary this month (picture from 1994). A record for longevity in our family tree. Congrats and go for 70!

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