Sunday, July 15, 2018


The transition to Toronto continues, almost all work and no play ---- yet. Back at Kemble to pick up more stuff, a rug had to be cleaned and a mound of bat shit had to be swept off the greenhouse. The joy of country living?

But most of the week was still setting up in the city. The last time I had a Vietnamese haircut I was in Hanoi! The Gardener thinned out the overgrowth and the junked cabinets promptly disappeared too. The neglected apartment had to be Deep Cleaned, from baseboard wood to window sills (thanks, Murphy!).

But there were breaks and strolls. Ice cream carts are popular in the dog days, or is that vice-versa? White "ghost bikes" are memorials to cyclists struck down in the street. The scrap metal picker took the old electric heaters. Day Camp kids stream by on their way to a beachy Friday the 13th. Free sunscreen to all!

We were floored by the floor refinishing. We thought the 90-year old strips of maple would have to be ripped out and new oak put in. But a light sanding plus 3 coats of urethane and voila --- glowing like new. Here's a before-and-after:

So the place is getting in shape. Two good omens ---- the cook's first try at perogies was a yummy success (and I grew up gorging on the best...). And despite the lack of any showers, a rainbow still appeared. Chive on!

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