Sunday, June 24, 2018


Got my fix of old beauties on the last day of spring. A field full of classics, like a rainbow on green grass. The Girl's Best-In-Show was a pretty yellow Pick'emUp. The Boy admired Old Rusty ---- they both did a lot of work...

At midweek Summer arrived!! A fireball as far north on the horizon as it will ever be. And right on time, welcomed back with coffee, at 6:09 a.m.

So, the first chance to take a summer drive. Ominous scene on the bay as warm air met cold water and created cotton candy fog, followed by pink pillows to the east. Remember that song "Wonder Where the Lions Are"? Can you #findthelionshead? And we had to salute the season on a stretch of the divider between north and south. (The top went up and down with the cold winds...)

Back at home, the Ontario Hydro crew finally showed up to take down the shady corner ash tree. It had actually grown into the wires (see closeup). What amazed me was that the chain saw that cut through thick hardwood was electric, as in battery-powered. The trunk came down with a thud and we were left to clean up ---- budget cuts mean they don't even chip it for you anymore.

So instead of counting the tree rings, you have to practice elsewhere. How many chipmunks camouflaged on the ground? And a challenge --- how many tarts (do you count the baker??)?

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