Sunday, April 15, 2018


The tragedy in Humboldt continues to be felt and memorialized. On one day, all of Canada wore hockey jerseys. And for a long time, hockey sticks will be left outside for "the boys, because they will need them wherever they are..."

Winter and the snow was fading out early in the week --- it IS April after all! The feeders had the usual suspects calmly loading up. We were able to walk down, and (after shoveling) eventually even drive up the hill!

Life seemed to be getting back to springtime around town. Mennonites came in for thrifty shopping. The last Drive In announced it was closing and before we could get there for a last look, all that was left was the sign. A huge drive shed was built, roof first. Then some heavy lifting and wall framing below! Hmmm, gotta try that..

But BAM! Winter has now returned with a vengeance. A record-breaking blizzard is raging for 3 days with rain, ice pellets, snow, and tornado winds. The bay heaves like a northern ocean. The bbq was out too early --- the cover has been shredded. We expect power outage so water has to be hoarded in a rain barrel.

What to do on a cabin-fever day? One gets the sewing machine singing with Mexican colours. The other starts the bathroom upgrade job. Demolition derby!

The storm is raging as we speak. But the feathered friends have come a long way and have to be looked after. Hurry --- the Force is against us! The gale forces the birds to stay low, and the snow to drift at the door.

In howling winds we watched the Commonwealth Games Ceremonies from Australia before dawn. Ironically, they showed boomerangs there and winter has boomeranged back here. The ice storm has started to coat windows and trees. We're hunkered down safely, counting our blessings and remembering Humboldt...

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