Sunday, April 29, 2018


It's almost May but the week started with so much snow the lane up the hill was still undrivable. So, a lot more shoveling --- at first to make a walking path, but eventually to clear the whole darn thing to drive up. The pond was still frozen over. The crocus stayed strong and colourful through it all.

Yardwork doesn't stop just because of the snow and cold. A new residential development went up next door, but the homes are like small boxes and are strictly for the birds. There was a fiddler on the roof. The Japanese maple was carefully uncovered like opening a Christmas present of delicate lace.

Then wouldn't you know it, a warm spell returned. In direct sunlight, the thermometer rocketed and contradicted the snow around it. The Eager Gardener welcomed the first daffodil. And the pond ice broke up looking like cumulus clouds on a dark sky.

The ferry ChiChemaun left its winter moorings on a foggy shakedown cruise, like seeing the first robin. Actually, more like the first flickers --- on the ash tree or drilling for grubs.  Or like the first doves, cooing like teenagers making out in the park.

Rumbling and buzzing sounds from below turned out to be a giant willow tree being removed by the neighbour. Like a buzzard circling roadkill, I asked for the chips to be dumped on our side. Bonanza! The chips went down, then they were chauffeured up. All the garden paths and edges get a new carpet.

But overshadowing all this was the terrible tragedy in Toronto, the van attack that left dead and injured on Yonge Street, the busiest in the city. The memories of the tragedy in Humboldt are still fresh, and now this heartbreaking scene. We felt we had to travel to one of the memorial sites to pay our respects and share the grief.

Tonight there will be a vigil at the spot. 25,000 or more expected to show support and determination to go on. A display of the famous and envied diversity and caring among so many cultures, religions, and origins that define Toronto. Read the scrawled messages and see. That's the magnet for people from everywhere, and yet ironically makes us feel free. Years ago but still vivid, Pat and I worked nearby and walked this very strip. This is our city and it's strong, but this sadness is deep and heartbreaking.

Sunday, April 22, 2018


The week started off with one of the worst blizzards of the winter ---- but it's April! Snowblown road, hazardous mailbox, icy trees, coated clothesline, you name it.

Mounds in the store parking lot and the sun just a smudge...

So, we're still hauling bags up the hill on foot. Then the ritual of shoveling, with 2 inches of ice under a foot of snow. Would you prefer shoveling uphill to get traction, or downhill to see your progress?

But you can't fool Mother Nature, especially when it's Earth Week! As the sun warms, the local critters are emerging from their den. The new raccoons have never seen humans before and are hungry but also just plain curious, even coming up to our front window. And then the gorgeous flash of red as the first fox appears! Magnificent healthy creature--- where does it sleep?

And everybody's hungry! The birds have been devouring the sunflower seeds, about 3 pounds a day. Squirrels munch on tender new sumac shoots (Garden Girl is ready to shoot!!). The Masked One gorged on warm corn cobs. And Foxy Lady just loves 'dem chicken bones.

More spring shock and awe ---- a family of 3 strong deer calmly parade by the rails. Wow. Come back anytime, we'll fawn over you...

The snow is melting today and the kitchen is doing overtime, feeding 4 legs and two. Bacon fat is offered at the fox channel but was gobbled by raccoons first. A Cookie Monster was caught in the act! But like the snow on the roof, it's all from the heart.

Sunday, April 15, 2018


The tragedy in Humboldt continues to be felt and memorialized. On one day, all of Canada wore hockey jerseys. And for a long time, hockey sticks will be left outside for "the boys, because they will need them wherever they are..."

Winter and the snow was fading out early in the week --- it IS April after all! The feeders had the usual suspects calmly loading up. We were able to walk down, and (after shoveling) eventually even drive up the hill!

Life seemed to be getting back to springtime around town. Mennonites came in for thrifty shopping. The last Drive In announced it was closing and before we could get there for a last look, all that was left was the sign. A huge drive shed was built, roof first. Then some heavy lifting and wall framing below! Hmmm, gotta try that..

But BAM! Winter has now returned with a vengeance. A record-breaking blizzard is raging for 3 days with rain, ice pellets, snow, and tornado winds. The bay heaves like a northern ocean. The bbq was out too early --- the cover has been shredded. We expect power outage so water has to be hoarded in a rain barrel.

What to do on a cabin-fever day? One gets the sewing machine singing with Mexican colours. The other starts the bathroom upgrade job. Demolition derby!

The storm is raging as we speak. But the feathered friends have come a long way and have to be looked after. Hurry --- the Force is against us! The gale forces the birds to stay low, and the snow to drift at the door.

In howling winds we watched the Commonwealth Games Ceremonies from Australia before dawn. Ironically, they showed boomerangs there and winter has boomeranged back here. The ice storm has started to coat windows and trees. We're hunkered down safely, counting our blessings and remembering Humboldt...