Sunday, March 25, 2018


Spring officially arrived this week with a fireball sunrise due east. This is the time of year for unusual cloud formations like this ribbed “mackerel sky”. Optical illusions are caused by the shifting light, too --- like this phantom island with a plume of smoke. But winter doesn’t just disappear on March 21: the ice floes and pans still ride the waves like long white roller coasters.

Lots of evidence of critters waking up to spring. This nest had been put together and lived in til we got back, then deserted like a bad tenant skipping out on the rent. Too bad --- looks cozy!

The Ice Man tried to hack through the 8” thick pond ice to give the oxygen-deprived fish a breather. As usual, not all of them made it through the dark and cold. Would you?

Rambunctious geese honk in salute to spring and love the open water. But out on the harbour, hardcore fishers are having none-of-it (Nunavut?!). The huts are still out there and their rods must be cold.

They have been warned that the ice breaker will be plowing through the bay this morning! What’s that old saying --- “red sky in the morning, idiots take warning”? Match Madness! How many will take their first polar bear dip?

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