Sunday, September 3, 2017


The sun is rising later and later as summer ends but there are still some sunny days. Why did the bride cross the road? If she's a chick, is the groom a turkey?

The big Salmon Derby ends this morning. Boats almost collide because their sonar shows the big ones are right below. Back at the tent the music was rockin' like a rowboat out on the bay. The heaviest fish was caught back on Day 1 --- will anyone weigh-in at the last minute to steal the prize??

The asphalt by the barn is already showing cracks from creeping ash tree roots. That car-loving son-of-a-ditch got busy and dug out roots along the edge. The microwave that died this week was worried it was going to be buried there!

Remember the giant water cube we got as a backup for when the water pump died? Mould has appeared on the inside, under water: how does that happen? Drain it, bleach it, put it away for the season. But what about next year?

Meanwhile the large chunk of rock that has been a table top finally crumbled. Sledge hammer, pick axe, rake and wheelbarrow. That rock has rolled! Didn't take long for The Gardener to claim another planting spot. Composted, raked, seeded, covered and protected. But will the turkeys still dig it?


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