Sunday, July 16, 2017


The World's Biggest Rubber Ducky was the Biggest Hit in town but has flocked off to Sault Ste. Marie. The supporting funstuff included an old caboose (not hers!), lumberjack show, and tall girls. The finale was a parade of the heritage tugboats going north past our window.

So, back to normal with trims in the pond, parts for the car, and classic car spotting on the road. (It's a '39 Ford, if you're wondering...)

All those tadpoles of two weeks ago are now tiny frogettes, some still with tails. Pat's efforts at attracting butterflies and other pollinators are attracting new visitors. But there has been so much rain that the sunflower seeds are sprouting in the feeder. This goldfinch can choose between protein and fibre!

Those frogettes mentioned above were a buffet for the wandering painted turtle that took up residence in the pond. It finally got netted, escorted down the hill, and fascinated a 7-year old local. How old were you when you saw your first turtle up close? Eventually the Paint got wet in bigger water. Good advice for all of us ---- on to new horizons!

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