Sunday, March 12, 2017


In the last few days in Daytona, weather was mostly pleasant but with windy days and high tides that swept in shoals of jellyfish. It's the start of high tourist season with lots of shops re-opening. This crane was still working, parked right on the busiest walkway in town --- don't break the Spring Breakers below! An oldtyme heritage movie house was showing all the Oscar-nominated Live Action Short films --- a real treat sitting in comfy chairs with only 10 others. (Best In Show? --- uplifting from Denmark and Switzerland. Most gut-wrenching? --- France..)

Because a hurricane ruined last October's Bike Week, this week is expected to make up for it with 100,000 motorcycles and 500,000 biker-folk. Interestingly, the Welcome banners used to say "Bikers", now it's "Riders"...hmmm. Riders from New York brought leaf-blowers to dry their Harleys! For us four-wheelers, we just wanted to wash off the salt-air scum and then give the car a waxjob in some shade. (Clean and shiny ---- remember that when you see the last pictures below...)

Main Street was already clogged with bikes two days before the official start. Thousands of beauties lined up like a Miss America pageant. All accompanied by a constant 130-decibel roar!

But we're very ambivalent about this country. The flag-waving divisiveness, the ominous gun culture, and especially the so-called president are all disturbing and distressing to most Canadians. We'll be happy to roam our own more peaceful country this summer...

The drive home started with glorious signs of spring such as daffodils and fruit trees in full bloom and sunshine. And look at that red horse heading north ---- to my barn?? The road was so smooth the Eos put on over 1600Km (1000+miles) before the temperature dropped to brutal freezing in northern Ohio.

Full-on winter returned at the Canadian border next morning. Blowing snow, blinding white-outs, and creepy-crawly conditions. The car that was so shiny yesterday (remember above?) is now coated in ice, salt, and sand (but not from a beach!)

Still, even after hauling necessities up the hill, it's great to be home. Fortunately the electricity, water, and propane all came back to life without much grief. The house and everybody in it is warming up. Thanks to our angels, never too early to be here for the morning sunrise!

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