Sunday, March 27, 2016


As this headline says, Vallarta was 100% full on our last days there. Perfect storm of Mexican Holy Week holidays, northern Spring Breakers, and dozens of major events all at the same time. Big crowds for a free concert on the beach featuring top-notch Latin Jazz singer and clarinet. But we were ready and eager to go home after 98 days away. The only thing we're bringing back is colourful tablecloth fabric. At the apartment, the Sports Bar had hung out banners for all the Canucks arriving. Not hard to choose my Saskatchewan heritage over Winnipeg! Nice of the Canadian Navy to protect our bus to the airport...

After a couple of flights and a long drive we arrived up the hill at 4a.m. last Wednesday. Cold house but no snow on the ground. Crocuses (croci??) bravely popping above ground. Crisis in the basement; mice had chewed through a plastic birdseed bin and gorged all winter. Shells and droppings throughout the place. Payback has begun.

Water, electricity, and elusive propane eventually return to normal. All the foods we've been craving are now available for the making! But then a massive snow and ice storm hit the region --- here's the winter we supposedly avoided? Trees, windows, and deck all coated like chrome on the bumper of a '66 Valiant. Actually very beautiful and calendar-worthy scenes in every direction.

The forecast is for the ice to melt in a few days. (I lost my footing going down the hill and have painful swollen fingers and wrist from hitting a tree to stop sliding.) But it's wonderful to be home and breathe clean fresh air. Sunrise brings Oscar-worthy lighting to the woods. Three male turkeys (Tom, Tom, and Tom?) strut for a beleagured female --- hey girls which would you choose? Groceries come up the hill by Poles with poles. And it's Easter Sunday --- bible or Bunny, both are a big Welcome Home. Thanks, angels.

1 comment:

  1. Microwave cakes and flower catalogues.......the best.
