Sunday, August 2, 2015


People in Toronto were hanging out (and over, see photo) everywhere as the PanAm Games closed last Sunday. The pine-cone flame still burns for the ParaPanAm Games on a smaller scale but the main venues are already dismantled for Caribana, CNE, etc. My volunteer stint was a grind and sometimes aggravating but there were peak moments, like my BFF's Pachi and Paola--- the racquet champion and sweetheart of the Games (Viva Mexico!). Pat's volunteering also had highs and lows but it was a bit sad to see the thriving athletes' village become deserted.

For the record, here are the final medal standings. Best performance ever for Canadians, and it has people starting to say the O word. Don't do it, Toronto...

A short R&R at the tranquil Beach and then off to both sides of the Windsor-Detroit border. The HOV lanes were still in place and it was strange but a literal rush to have clear sailing in the urban traffic. In Windsor we found the bricks commemorating our big day in 2013, and our witnesses beside us.

Speaking of the witnesses, we visited them and their new twins on the American side. A crowded house but a loving home. Marion is the one hearting the maple leaf, Connor is the Canuckie Cutie.

Back at Kemble, a scorching heat wave continued with parched gardens and strange yellow mold on the wood chip pile. It was so hot even the 1" tree frog was sitting on the shade chair! The last "blue moon" til 2018 appeared on July 31st. And to keep up the celestial colour festival, a full rainbow arced over the sound the next day. That fabled pot of gold is all around us...


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