Sunday, August 16, 2015


The ParaPanAm Games wrapped up in Toronto and Canada placed an impressive second in the medal standings to Brazil. What these 1600 athletes (a new record number of participants) showed was talent, not disability. Wheelchair rugby was the crowd favourite --- like murderball on 28" spokes! Toronto got a giant boost in civic pride after some dark years before. Bring on the World Series??

In the Beach, trees fall before the leaves do.

The little Kia is not a moving van, but it does a good impersonation when it's full!

Arriving at Kemble, hummingbirds awaited a refill of sugar water before they take off for Costa Rica.

Brutal heat most of the week fried the ferns but the garden has been planted with more drought-resistant native species. So blackeyed Susans, cupflowers, and hollyhocks thrived. And bumblebees seem to be making a comeback in numbers.

The truck had been in the barn only about 10 days but Mother Mouse (Minnie??) had created a nest in the glovebox, made of wool from a coat and plastic from a tarp. It was a shock to find her feeding six babies (4 or 5 days old??) where the Owner's Manual used to be!  They should be much happier in their new neighbourhood --- the great outdoors.

The Owen Sound Firestone dealer was one of only 3 in Canada to host Mario Andretti, widely regarded as the greatest race car driver of all time. Among 111 major wins, he is the only person ever to have won all three of the Indy 500, the Formula 1 Championship, and the Daytona 500.  Driver of the Year in 3 different decades. Driver of the Century, etc., etc. I remember Mario at the U.S. Grand Prix at Watkins Glen NY back when it was still possible to sneak in and actually talk to the drivers in the pits! I brought the program from 1970 for an autograph. He was so surprised to see that old book that we talked for a bit. Q: What do you think of Formula 1 these days?? A: They gotta do something about the engines... Hmmmm. But a real icon for me. Who would you like to meet from 40 years ago??

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