Sunday, May 24, 2015


Monday was the first fireworks of the city season with thousands on the beach on a balmy evening. Is this a primitive fascination with fire from our caveman days?? That's a "Yes!" for me. This baby robin just wanted to crawl back into its cave --- where's mom?

At Kemble the Rio5 got undercoated for summer instead of for winter. Cars can rust just as fast in summer humidity as in winter salt. And we got a faster/cheaper internet service for the house. Can you tell this blog came to you in a hurry today??

At the feeders, the male hummingbird (note the red throat) was all blurred wings while the female (white throat) took her time on the perch. The creatures are all ravenous these days --- this ground squirrel jumped about 7 feet to get to the prize.

Late bloomers in the garden include the bleeding heart, a beauty that's been here for years. But new this season is the purply/velvety tulip called "Queen of the Night". Who gets to make up these names??

It's planting time and Pat gets most of her starter veggies from the local farmers' market. Remember that the pond froze completely this winter and almost everything died? In a show of stubborn optimism, fish and floating oxygenators have been restocked. But hmmmmm... is that ice again?!

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