Sunday, March 22, 2015


Spring is bursting out all around us and the pull of springtime back home is strong. Maple sap flowing, snow melting, return of birds/buds/beauties in the barn --- all going on! For now it's enough to walk among green trees and blossoms. One of us even found a plant sale by the side of a back road!

Also this week was the annual Pat-Rick Day. Somehow the Irish have adopted the name, and dance in the street wearing green on the 17th...

The actual first day of spring brought sea fog here, so no equinox sunrise to be seen. But a green circle of life all the same.  On the beach was a dead Loggerhead sea turtle, sad considering it's the start of their egg-laying season. But later in a park there's a green Florida Box turtle very alive. Looking for spring love??

There was another rocket launch scheduled yesterday, carrying Kazhakstan's first national satellite. We waited through the one-hour launch window but it was postponed. In the meantime there were boats to watch big and small. Local pelicans catch fish faster than the human fishers!

With all this springtime, even a Dumbo can guess where we're headed next week...

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