Sunday, May 18, 2014


Today's post is about things that were odd, suspicious, or just plain fishy this week. For instance, that "renovation" in the Beach sure looks like a new house being built around old walls. The beach itself is being dug and dozed; for sunbathers or the lifeguards? Still, spring is showing its colours and the City Gardener is doing her part ---- by July these new lavender bushes will make strollers wonder what smells so nice.

Out at Kemble the spring sunrise is sneaking through the  northern windows instead of due east. But daylight reveals that there has been a heavy rainfall during our absence --- gravel has been pushed in lines down the lane. You'd think Noah was up top, gathering two of everything. Nope, it was the Country Gardener gathering the first asparagus. Lots of colour from plants on the ground, but the cold weather has the cherry blossoms suspiciously slow to appear.

Definitely fishy are the new additions to the pond --- yellowish ones we're calling the '14's. Get it --- 2014. Are the current pond fish suspicious of the newbies?? As long as they don't grow as big as these trout, they should be safe. Otherwise, they're dinner!

Here's a riddle for you. Why and for whom is Pat planting an Eastern Redbud tree? Some out there will know immediately. Hint for the rest of you: We're calling it "The Witness". Hmmm...

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