Sunday, May 11, 2014


They're still playing hockey (Go Habs!) but longer and warmer days have brought familiar life back to the country, including us! The gardens are being cleaned up and new sprouts uncovered. A lettuce that was supposed to be a one-year thing ("annual") has come up again (now "perennial"?). Trees are being pruned, leaves raked that were leftover jobs from last fall.

The list of firsts and returns of life this week includes: hummingbirds, dandelions, garter snakes, grosbeaks, various warblers, trilliums, forsythia, bats, rhubarb, asparagus, thunderstorms, clothes hung on the line, washing a car in the yard, the waterfall in the pond, opened house windows, a barbeque, dinner with our American cousins, the top down on all the convertibles, etc., etc. But the absolute first was in the pond --- many clear jelly-like clumps floating around. We found out they're newt eggs. Stay tuned for all the latest newts, I mean "news"!

I had to do a repair on the 1963 Falcon top and  it was like revisiting the 1963 Plymouth Fury we used to have in Windsor so long ago. Same colours, same plastic rear window, same contortions in the back seat. On this Mother's Day, I remember that my mom also rode a red car. Just another reason to love her forever!

1 comment:

  1. I remember the house and the many great times there with family, the car and my pretty grandmother <3
