Sunday, March 16, 2014


The neighbourhood has gone from white to green this week in more ways than one. We had a classic winter storm that dumped 8 inches of snow, reminding us of what we had missed in the last 3 months. It was actually a satisfying ritual to shovel the stuff, like Break Week in reverse where we came north instead of staying south. A white polar bare was spotted from the boardwalk, and film crews kept working ---- how do they make a winter playground look like summer green??

One of Pat's boots needed some glue --- note the application of weight to make a secure bond. My truck has been in the barn since November, but a nice surprise in going through the mail. There it was, featured on Canada's Old Autos. Notice the date at the top --- Feb. 3 is our first-date anniversary (1996)! Must be a lucky charm, like finding a 4-leaf in the salad. Happy St. Pat-Rick Day, and may your lawn be green soon!

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