Monday, December 30, 2013


(Still some jet lag, slept from 8pm to current 4am. Getting better!) Walked like crazy on the first full day in Phnom Penh, to get back to normal routine. Through organized chaos of the scooter mobs and street markets, over to the historic muddy Mekong River, inspiration for the journey in the film Apocalypse Now. Typical contrast of old and new, with ancient temples across from public fitness equipment.

More pictures than usual today to give some sense of the place, but also imagine a constant drone of traffic, suicidal street crossings, garbage everywhere, and dusty pollution in your nostrils.On the other hand, you encounter impromptu music, mass demonstrations against the government, Art Deco market buildings, monks getting alms and prayers (is this like protection money??) new generation of colourful fiberglass tuk-tuks, weird fruit, and countless palaces, temples, and museums. A main avenue is strangely deserted --- against rioting or getting ready for New Year's parade??

Back along the river there are veggie gardens strewn in the silt. Fortune tellers read cards. A hundred flags fly on the shiniest poles in town --- can you find the Maple Leaf? When night falls and the heat cools, hundreds share a zumba exercise hour. Markets and bakeries abound.

2013 has been a very full year from start to finish, with most of our main events and places in these blog postings. We wish all of you back home a 2014 full of good health, laughs, and love. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

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