Sunday, September 30, 2012


Another classic sunrise last Monday as we drove the 3 hours to Kitchener for my follow-up appointment with the surgeon. I'd been looking forward to this for the 6 weeks healing time because he could officially clear me for driving, backpacking in Mongolia, etc. BIG disappointment: a patient "went into difficulty" in the Operating Room and my doctor was called there, cancelling his whole afternoon schedule! My next appointment not until October 29!! Rats.

On the scenic drive home we passed through Goderich one year since a tornado ripped through the historic core with 100-year old elms. An attempt is being made to restore the town square, but how can you replace century trees? Arriving home after dark, the power was out! The best we could do was boil tea water on our little backpacker burner.

But the really bad news was the continuing medical emergency of Pat's brother-in-law. He has been airlifted to London for advanced treatment.  Pat and the sisters spent many nights in hospitals and the son flew in from the States. We see the glass as half-full whenever there is any minor change for the better.

We did manage to get some comic relief from all this grief.  With a little artwork, a potato from Pat's garden came alive and had some fun, like a snowman before the melt. But in this case, Mr. Potato got into just a little too much hot water....

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