Saturday, December 4, 2010

Classics Going, Going, ...

The few cars on the island are either taxis or cargo carriers, with some oversize SUV's substituting for manhood or sense. The rough roads, brutal sun, and ever present saltwater spray shorten the lifespan of any vehicle here. So it's as rare to see a classic car in good shape as it would be to see coconuts growing in Ontario. Car guys here would drool over a '57 BelAir just as a car guy would back home, but easier to see one of those in Cuba than on Isla!

Still, searching the back alleys reveals an El Camino with dreams of Route 66. And a Maverick ready for an imaginary dragstrip. Old bugs were made in Mexico and are not squashed yet, although an old VW van drives around without windshield wipers or muffler. I was about to give up hope when there it was --- a pretty little red Mustang convertible!

1 comment:

  1. OMG Rick the food must be GIANT food. Too bad you will no longer fit in to, say a red Mustang any more. I like the El Camino. (Jan)
