Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Grateful (Day of the) Dead

Mexico's Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) actually overlaps Nov. 1 and 2. In former homes of the dead, shrines display patron saints, incense, flowers, sugar skulls, and favorite food and other items of the dearly departed. Then at dusk the families gather at the gravesite to fill the cemetery with tokens of life for their dead. Crypts are re-whitewashed, Mariachi bands play the favorite songs of the deceased, and wreaths abound. These celebrations help the dead remain part of family life, a mix of playful and profound.

After dark, dozens of candles are lit and food is offered to guide the soul to the gathering. Toys are even offered to the souls of children who have passed on (In one case, a model of a yellow '05 Mustang was offered ---- must have been a car guy!).

Despite the skeletons and skulls, the atmosphere is one of respect and smiling memories. It makes you think --- what favourite foods and items would your family place on your tomb?

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