Thursday, March 19, 2009

Now That's a Novel Idea!

Want a never-ending source of beach/winter/evening reading material? In years past we have brought 3 or 4 paperbacks and crossed our fingers hoping to exchange them somewhere on Isla Mujeres. But these days there seem to be piles of books for exchange, free for the taking, in hotel lobbies, coffee shops, and even dive shops. In January we started hoarding, not realizing the supply would be constant.Result ---- an overstocked library on top of our little fridge.

It looks like we will have read about 23 or 24 books in our 92-day stay. Even with side-trips, visitors, walking a lot, and other non-reading days, that's an average of about a book every 4 days! At home we probably won't read a book a year. Go figure. Or better, go read!

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