Friday, March 6, 2009

CSI Punta Sam

We've read that Canadians and Americans are being warned not to travel in certain areas of Mexico because of the increasing violence and grisly murders over the drug trade. One particular gang, The Zetas, have tortured and beheaded 11 cops, judges, and other good guys near Cancun. We've certainly seen a lot of police and military presence around here ---- municipal, state, and federales.

But there's now some evidence on one of our walking routes that the violence is closer to our neighbourhood. On a very heavily-travelled road nearby there are 2 victim outlines, 2 funereal crosses, and 2 bullet-casing markers. Our impression is that 2 hombres (34 and 22 years old) were executed and dumped here as a warning sign to others. 2 bullets, 2 crosses ---- Good Guys or Bad Guys??

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