Monday, January 5, 2009

WiFi, Why Worry

Think of a high number and that's the temperature...

Settling in to a cozy 320 sq. ft. one-bedroom apartment that suits us just fine. Went into Cancun for groceries and to check on oil changes (van did heroic duty). No pattern to the streets or driving ---- few lane markers and they are ignored anyway. The Yucatan Grand Prix daily.

Noticing the neighbours in this 28 unit, 3-level 2-wing building. Many dogs and even 2 cats spotted. Most residents are permanent and work in town. But biggest coincidence was finding the Head of Computer-Something-Or-Other at the local university living here. besides talking with Pat about setting up a link with Seneca College, he also runs the building's wifi. Sure enough, in a few seconds he had connected us to a secure unlimited wifi link, for about 75 cents a day. Deal. So now we don't have to look for Internet Cafes --- I'm writing this sitting next to the kitchen counter (see photos), out of the hot midday sun. Now I can check on your weather 24/7. Not!

We walked this morning to the local Mayan ruins, about 2.5 km south. Seems to be a mini version of the big centres like Chichin-itza or Tikal. Still amazing, after 1000 years. Older than my Mustang! Tomorrow we'll walk 4km the other direction to the cargo ferry for Isla Mujeres, a longtime iconic destination for me. We can see it from our building across the channel and it has got some tall new structures now, but you can still experience an old fishing village if you look hard. Fresh fish for dinner!

Pat is doing laundry in one of the 2 machines here ---- a change from the usual pattern of local women taking in the laundry. Maybe they're now local CEO's.

Brandy and Crystal, our 2 13-yr. old cats, have found their favourite spots. Brandy under the bedsheet, as at home. Crystal in a cabinet corner under the sink. To each her own.

I'll try to attach some pictures to give a better idea of things. Wish me buena suerte!


  1. Looks like a great apt along with a beautiful location! Hey, is that Vanna White in that orange dress?

  2. I am so jealous! I am looking out of my office window to pouring rain - might need the Ark for the trip home! Also waiting to hear from mom (Ruth). Dad is having knee replacement surgery today so everyone keep their fingers crossed. Be well family!
