Tuesday, December 30, 2008

8 States Down, One Country to Go

No sense of winter or December or New Year's...The highways are clear and dry, the sun is 40's to 60's warm, and we rolled through Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, and now are spending the night in Beaumont Texas, about 50 miles in from the border. Traffic got very heavy in Texas and we stopped at dark, like last night --- 12 hours on the road, about 650 miles. Tomorrow is through Houston then down to the border at Matamoros --- 400 miles. We'll probably spend New Year's Eve on the U.S. side to watch the midnight stuff on TV. If I can stay up!

The cats are mostly dormant but they give the motel rooms a real going-over with smelling everything and checking for the bogey man under the bed. Too scary for me.

Today was mostly a day-in-motion. We sing along with oldies, play licence plate games, talk about everybody, and look forward to arriving in Punta sam by the weekend.

Funniest thing today? A really tough-looking couple get off their Harley at a truck stop. Covered with black leather, tatoos and attitude. The chick goes for a coffee at the Waffle House. The guy sits down on a curb, scowls at me, takes out a laptop and checks his stock portfolio!

Now for some chicken tacos...


  1. We're following you! Enjoy the weather. Just in case your wondering, we're getting 2-5 inches of snow tonight...YUK!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
