Friday, November 25, 2022


Early in the week the snow had finally stopped piling up. Winter Wonderland ---- if you like that kind of thing. Drifts, loads, and icicles up the hill and down. Getting up the hill much harder than down?

But there were some mild days that brought out locals like male/female cardinals. Also some just passing through, like this we-think-it's-a-merlin.

Signs in the snow? Haven't seen deer in months but their footprints are all over the place. Shy?? And what a coincidence----On U.S. Thanksgiving, a flock of turkeys appeared for the first time all year. Relieved??

Rain and warm temps have melted or collapsed most of the snow. So tomorrow we'll go down the hill a little easier but still with backpacks. We'll be away for a few months. It's a good time to get some much-needed R&R and get back to travel basics.

This blog will also be taking a break: no new posts until some time next year. "Even when you can't see the sun, you know it's still there..." 

Sunday, November 20, 2022


Here's what it looked like yesterday...

But the week had started innocently enough. Autumn sunrise, woodpeckers, a bit slippery on the hill.

Then BAM! on Friday. 2 feet and more falling... Any survival food?..

More fell throughout Saturday...

Cabin fever, had to get out. Slog down the hill, check around, slog back up...

Have to shovel the deck, snowload getting dangerous. Pole with 14-foot pole trying to revive satellite TV.

This morning, another 3 feet in forecast. Falling heavily as I write this. Satellite TV clogged again. Internet now at risk of failing. Pictures worth 10,000 words? !!#*&%?!

Sunday, November 13, 2022


Not even halfway through the month and already so much happening. My dad's birthday was last week but it was Remembrance Day this week so here's pictures covering both. Walter Wyszynski did basic training at Camp Ipperwash ---- this would have been summer 1942, before he was shipped out to B.C. But the other picture is a mystery ---- who took it? where did the fawn come from? look at those shorts!  All a reminder of the meaning of Nov. 11. Lest we forget...

Early in the week was warm and sunny. Good for last minute yard work. 

Who's better at peek-a-boo?

Out on the bay there's quite a show going on. Freighters are coming (with salt) and going (with grains). Sunsets are early and far to the south. The full moon is early and far to the north. But another first after all these years --- choppers buzzing a cutter. Practicing rescue? boarding? 

Before the S-word the yard is full-on autumn. Deep fallen leaves, fiery sunsets, and smoke bush leaves morphing into vaguely indigenous patterns. An omen of the next paragraph?

Sure enough, this morning we have winter wonderland Snow! Fiery is now whitey. The house is frosted. And the car notes the calendar before getting swept. Is there more November to remember still to come??