Sunday, March 13, 2022


The Russian invasion and illegal occupation of Ukraine continues and increases the human suffering. We have contributed to the cause and consider going over to help. The bully keeps backing up the bullied, but eventually their backs will be to a wall. It will take more than a no-fly zone to finally hit back...

Meanwhile over here winter is not over yet. Snow flurries come and go all week. Winter wonderland or we've had enough? 

The quay is active throughout, snow or shine. A chunk of floating dock appeared overnight and is still among the piers today --- no danger? But an errant yellow thing had to be craned out of the busy boat channel. And another grisly act of bird cannibalism plays out in plain sight.

But! Just a hint of warmth and it's a different world. So good to see tops go down. And on tour boats, the top gets new a/c units. Can summer be near??

The world shouldn't forget that other evil empire. Tibetans mark the day in 1959 when China invaded Tibet and forced the Dalai Lama to flee, still in exile today. What is it about minorities that terrifies dictators?

So we're all living in many worlds. Globally we're very worried. Domestically, the furnace gets the annual servicing (note the very dirty filter). And this week the world celebrates Pat-rick Day. How big is your world??

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