Sunday, March 27, 2022


 Sometimes things and places and events are heartfelt, heart warming, and make those heartbeats just a little louder. Like going home up the hill in leftover snow to see promises of spring in white and purple croci-to-be. It's a gas to see cherry blossoms bursting in March!

Our Toronto digs have their own beat. The semi-annual window washers were hanging out the other day. The first kayak parallels the first robin. The train museum is outdoors and free, like we all want to be. Our comical motorcycle gang is a bunch of kids all lit up ---- notice the OneWheel scooter?

There's still lasting emotions for our old hood. The Goof, The Beach, The Fox always draw us back. And tonight's Oscars! What memories of ballots and bragging rights...

More signs of spring down below in the Quay. The crane has delivered all the safety gear for the tour boats. Loading soon with visitors eager to cruise the harbour?

(Late addition this morning...) Speaking of a cruiser ------ KABOOM! Be still my beating heart!!!

Even this morning's cold snowfall can't dampen today's hope hope hope. What makes your heart light up? But never forget the anguish and despair of Ukrainian hearts. 

Sunday, March 20, 2022


Spring arrives today with fewer COVID restrictions, longer days, and top-down hopes. But this last week was still winter and it isn't equinox yet...

Pat-Rick Day came and went but it's been stretched a few days---- Toronto's parade is today. No green beer but we did have an eating o' the green. (Not shown: green jujubes.)

Still some winter snow showers. The fire rescue boat pulled up below us for a Tim's coffee run! Double-double patrolling?

In town there are some encouraging signs. Snowdrops dare to break the ice. Geese are pairing off in city parks. We made a hopeful trip to Canada's only urban national park. A redwing here, a robin there but no crowds or activity, even though it's Spring Break!

A parade on the quay looked like herding cats (and other animals). What's the occasion? 

So we're looking forward to more Live Action and Animation this Spring. Hopefully, not Short... 

Sunday, March 13, 2022


The Russian invasion and illegal occupation of Ukraine continues and increases the human suffering. We have contributed to the cause and consider going over to help. The bully keeps backing up the bullied, but eventually their backs will be to a wall. It will take more than a no-fly zone to finally hit back...

Meanwhile over here winter is not over yet. Snow flurries come and go all week. Winter wonderland or we've had enough? 

The quay is active throughout, snow or shine. A chunk of floating dock appeared overnight and is still among the piers today --- no danger? But an errant yellow thing had to be craned out of the busy boat channel. And another grisly act of bird cannibalism plays out in plain sight.

But! Just a hint of warmth and it's a different world. So good to see tops go down. And on tour boats, the top gets new a/c units. Can summer be near??

The world shouldn't forget that other evil empire. Tibetans mark the day in 1959 when China invaded Tibet and forced the Dalai Lama to flee, still in exile today. What is it about minorities that terrifies dictators?

So we're all living in many worlds. Globally we're very worried. Domestically, the furnace gets the annual servicing (note the very dirty filter). And this week the world celebrates Pat-rick Day. How big is your world??

Sunday, March 6, 2022


Anything we do these days is trivial compared to the terrors befalling Ukraine. Support comes in many forms, such as "talks" or the CN Tower being lit blue-and-yellow. But sooner or later this invasion will play out and the outcome could easily be all-encompassing horrors.

The annual observance of Pancake Tuesday took place at a favourite diner. OK, but not as good as the potato pancakes of Pat's childhood or the giant light stacks of mine. The mosaic of ice floes is largely disappearing, especially in today's +14C. Ferry ahoy!

Allen Gardens gives a sneak peak of the colours and bulbs of spring. Add the earthy mustiness of warm soil and you're breathing the return of nature...

Quite a contrast between the white lilies inside and white snow outside. Same with cyclamen! The resident turtles clamber all over themselves ---- waking up or getting it on?

Not so springy out on the Beach for the annual Winter Installations. Pretty damn cold and windy, actually. But the theme this year is "Resilience", so crowds of onlookers check out the 6 winning installations from hundreds of submissions. Artistic interpretations of the theme, explained in signboards. 

"Introspection" should be constant these days in a chaotic world. Even selfies get distorted! Can't we Inter Face instead of dividing? Are we still "One Canada"? Lots to think about, and hopefully with native Respect.

But all of this is surely trivial compared with the attack on Ukraine. The future is being played out in plain sight...