Sunday, February 13, 2022


First flat tire in, what ---- 25 years? Worse, the car is in underground parking. Worst, the donut spare tire is corroded and also flat! Have you checked your spare lately?? Luckily, CAA and Canadian Tire come to the rescue. Get some air, rush over to the CT service, and within two hours we're re-tired!

Another roller-coaster week out on the harbour ice. Thick enough for skaters and ice sailors at first. Then warm days break it up into ice pans. Then the red breaker finishes the job, except for Duck Island.

The ice in the quay below is good enough for ice fishing, if you're light enough. A large (5 pounds?) salmon floated up to the surface. One lucky gull hauled it in and had all-you-can-eat sushi. 

Longer days bring some sunny dawns out the window. But it's still -16C today, so I'm wondering if I should get winter tires. Go with the floe?

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