Sunday, February 27, 2022


Saw this huge mural on a city walk and noticed Bambi in there. It reminded that there's a kid's zoo in High Park --- an easy day trip. Still very cold so only the hardy animals are out ---- and the hearty kids. 

The big shaggy beasts are most visible and impressive. Lots of horns and wooly monsters! Gentler groups were llamas and geese co-habitating. And encouraging is this giant polar bear made entirely of recycled plastic from the park grounds. 

We took our monthly check-up trip to the house on the hill. Rough salty/sandy roads made it no picnic to drive. But after the trudge up slope, all is well up there. Lots of deer and other tracks, so the place is not technically uninhabited! The Heroic Hyundai got a much-deserved wash-down in the very handy in-house car wash bay. 

The ice cover on the harbour is gone except for around piers, causing the water taxis to become ice breakers too. So it seems a bit early, but they took out the channel marker buoys already. Boaters beware?

If you're at all paying attention, geopolitical events should sadden and alarm. The inane "convoy" in Canada, the bizarre crazies in the States, and now even worse. The invasion of Ukraine by vengeful, demented Putin could lead to world conflict. Tanks and bazookas in 2022, really?? I have roots and connections in that part of the world and it's to cry in disbelief and horror. 

Sunday, February 20, 2022


 Another roller-coaster week of weather. So much ice that a local had to perform a hook rescue in the quay. Trees were dabbed with snow like a common Canadian oil painting. One small ferry had to keep the channel open for islanders. And gulls resorted to cannibalism. 

But now the sad news. In 1927 a sapling Norway Maple was planted in front of newly-built 36 Wineva in Toronto. Fast forward, it was already over 65 when I got the place in 1987. One of the glorious row of trees lining the street with shade and shelter. It had literally always been there for me. It was way past the life expectancy of 75 years but survived as the last one standing on the street, admired by the neighbourhood. Then a neighbour alarmed us with the news that the city was taking it down. NOW.

Even in deep snow, the first crew removed the upper crown and admittedly brittle branches to about a foot in diameter. Stark and forlorn instantly.

Next day we went to see for ourselves as the second crew quickly removed the trunk or "peg". Amazing how fast a saw and a crane brings our icon down.

More sawing, more loading, and a last glimpse as old faithful takes a last ride. 

For days, couldn't help but reminisce about that tree over the years. Who walked beneath it, who smiled as squirrels raced up and down, who was grateful for the shade upstairs. Then this morning an anonymous hand-made marker in respectful memory appeared on the spot! RIP, indeed. May the native replacement live another 100!

Sunday, February 13, 2022


First flat tire in, what ---- 25 years? Worse, the car is in underground parking. Worst, the donut spare tire is corroded and also flat! Have you checked your spare lately?? Luckily, CAA and Canadian Tire come to the rescue. Get some air, rush over to the CT service, and within two hours we're re-tired!

Another roller-coaster week out on the harbour ice. Thick enough for skaters and ice sailors at first. Then warm days break it up into ice pans. Then the red breaker finishes the job, except for Duck Island.

The ice in the quay below is good enough for ice fishing, if you're light enough. A large (5 pounds?) salmon floated up to the surface. One lucky gull hauled it in and had all-you-can-eat sushi. 

Longer days bring some sunny dawns out the window. But it's still -16C today, so I'm wondering if I should get winter tires. Go with the floe?

Sunday, February 6, 2022


First week of the shortest month. Really cold, even the pigeons flock together.

Feb 2: Groundhog Day Groundhog Day. Sam says more winter, Willy says not so. Just in case, keep your cozy on.

Feb 3: 26 years since first date. New phone for the Zoomers!

Feb. 4: Like the Canadian Curling team, lake skaters are on thin ice.

Feb. 15: Lots of time to celebrate the Lunar NewYear. Even street cars in Toronto are multi-cultural. Wrapped with  languages and symbols of all the Tet nations: China, Viet Nam, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, Indonesia, Mongolia, and more. What a town!

Feb. 6: Year of the Tiger! Looking for luck? Show lots of red and honour your ancestors. You too can   roar like a lion in winter...