Sunday, November 14, 2021


 After a year of restriction, large crowds once again gathered for Remembrance Day ceremonies. Very moving to commemorate Canadian sacrifices over the many conflicts. There's still some aging veterans, even more poignant because this is the 100th anniversary of the iconic poppy. The fly-past in "Missing Man" formation took our eyes up from bowing our heads down.

Also in the streets are more and more murals acknowledging this area is traditional indigenous land. The spirit and trend to reconciliation highlights our native legacy. 

In the present there is more whimsy if you look. Do you want cinnamon with your sugar? Window washers have quite a view. What is that person snatching from the water?

Ironically, the future is already here. Demolition and construction in the city is never-ending and actually accelerating. We saw our first movie in 20 months, and the previews look good for next week! Christmas windows have been revealed, with a robotic twist. And nearby they're putting in an artificial ice-skating circuit. You can see the hundreds of brine pipes until layers of watering freezes over.

Back to the future? Water taxis are in the end-of-season mode as the harbour closes down. Clouds this morning are ominous and we're expecting the first heavy snowfall later today. Stay safe and warm, because as they say...."All you need is ____"...

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