Sunday, November 28, 2021


 A week ago it was cold but clear for a walk by the harbour. Migrating ducks ---- what kind? Beginner skaters --- what age? Workers clearing reno debris at night--- what took them so long??

Barges push by with loads of fill and come back empty --- where was it dumped? A local park still trembles with roses. And just like home --- a mouse in the lobby! No animals were harmed in the making of this blog.

But a daytrip to Kemble reminded that winter is near. A crunchy trudge up the hill. Checking up on the hibernating house, and bringing down our pure drinking water. First snow on the deck and among the trees. Pretty, but you wouldn't want to be there all winter!

So back to the Quay. A shout-out to the girl who can cook, clean, and --- sew! And then this morning our first snowfall in the city. Even the boats that are white get whiter. Dog walkers and joggers slip and slide. Bring it on, we're ready this time...

Sunday, November 21, 2021

T.O. to GOGH

 The city experience is turning out as different from Kemble as expected, in variety and interest level. Zambonis get the outdoor rinks ready. Vintage music halls like the El Mo have been restored. Condo construction cranes seem higher than the CN Tower, and number in the hundreds. Protests and demonstrations pass by like Door Dash, bringing food for thought. 

The blockbuster city event these days is the immersive Vincent Van Gogh exhibit. The most iconic of the artist's 900 paintings (in only 9 years!) are projected giant-size, as if you're among the brushstrokes on the canvas. With an evocative sound track, it really is an immersion in something you knew only in small 2-dimension. Sunflowers! Starry Night!

The vaulted space used to be a giant and roaring press room of Canada's biggest newspaper. Now it's a serene art gallery, pipes and ducts overlaid with famed images. 

In a gallery to the side is another art exhibit. Ballet legend Mikhail Baryshnikov photographed passionate dance around the world. His pictures are out of focus (not mine this time!) to give a sense of the intricate motion.

So we're in the pink approaching the urban winter. But we're still hoping to go up, up, and away...

Sunday, November 14, 2021


 After a year of restriction, large crowds once again gathered for Remembrance Day ceremonies. Very moving to commemorate Canadian sacrifices over the many conflicts. There's still some aging veterans, even more poignant because this is the 100th anniversary of the iconic poppy. The fly-past in "Missing Man" formation took our eyes up from bowing our heads down.

Also in the streets are more and more murals acknowledging this area is traditional indigenous land. The spirit and trend to reconciliation highlights our native legacy. 

In the present there is more whimsy if you look. Do you want cinnamon with your sugar? Window washers have quite a view. What is that person snatching from the water?

Ironically, the future is already here. Demolition and construction in the city is never-ending and actually accelerating. We saw our first movie in 20 months, and the previews look good for next week! Christmas windows have been revealed, with a robotic twist. And nearby they're putting in an artificial ice-skating circuit. You can see the hundreds of brine pipes until layers of watering freezes over.

Back to the future? Water taxis are in the end-of-season mode as the harbour closes down. Clouds this morning are ominous and we're expecting the first heavy snowfall later today. Stay safe and warm, because as they say...."All you need is ____"...

Sunday, November 7, 2021


Other than dad Walter Wyszynski's birthday on Nov. 1, the preoccupation this week was transition. OMG it's November and winter is coming. Where to go?

Our old Toronto 'hood of The Beach still beckons, but only dimly. Kind of "been there, done that" and besides we can always visit. Let's think outside the (OCAD shoe-) box. But the curve of the sand and the stomp of the boardwalk are easy and familiar.

Home up on the Kemble hill is wonderful but difficult in full-on winter. Snow has fallen here and there. The leaves have maxed-out. And the sunrise is already further south than we'll likely go this winter!

So we have closed that door. The pond is cleared of water hyacinths and left to the fishies. Newly interred trees are wrapped against marauding mice or deer. Fallen leaves are barged by the tree-full to insulate by the bog-full. The house is thanked and dormant.

Another carload of stuff has been taken to the condo lifeboat at Toronto's York Quay. So much rushing, doing and undoing that I don't have any pictures of the cargo :(  The blinds have been installed, the central heat activated, and the time has been changed this morning. A bittersweet transition is complete. Now let's go and check out the docks!