Sunday, October 31, 2021


 BOO! Hallowe'en is tonight but the ghosts and goblins aren't that scary this year. Maybe COVID and especially the climate crisis are worse fears? This zombie was seen on a popular trail --- a real fright as you come around the corner...

The end of October means the sun is rising further south. Country squirrels have made a nest under a steel cone, with the butternut buffet within a paw's reach. The local foxes catch what they can to fatten up.

The Driver also has to put things away. First the Sol gets a new hood strut, then a soapy shower and into CarBarnBed for 5 long months. :(     But the cargo car just keeps going, with another load for the city.

Renewing acquaintances with a walk in downtown T.O. Highrise murals celebrate the city's music heritage. Urban parks decorate --- is that for autumn or Hallowe'en? Tank-strength steel girders frame the new St. Lawrence Market. The Cookie Monster roams the original market. A strip palace has a short advisory---- the bottom line?

But overall, today is not that scary. The harbour is busy as usual. And the kitchen turns out comfort food as ever. Better (bad) luck next time??

Sunday, October 24, 2021


It seems like we're seeing double and doing double as we transition from country to city, fall to winter, fireplace to central heat. So grab a double-double and put away your double-troubles. Double visions instead...

 In the city, the Terminal Building looks like its on fire! But it's just the city sunrise at an October angle. High rises are lit up and light pinballs as reflections or refractions.

In the country, the sunrise is due east in an undiluted fireworks display. Morning brings out the fox patrol and migrating juncos.

At the city harbour all kinds of watercraft pass by, even as the tour boat season is ending. Boats that work and boats that play. In the country harbour, alas, not even hardy fishers are out there. The iconic ChiCheemaun ferry is in drydock in Thunder Bay instead of tied up in Owen Sound. City ahead in that vision.

Closeup work in the city includes window washers and curtain hangers. The windows got washed but the blinds were the wrong size! Try again next week?

Closeup work at The View includes the Last Mow and the First Blow. Overgrowth like the asparagus gets cut down to size. Would you rather try Her Pies or His Cakes??

Great visions at each. There's a pot-o'-gold at both!

Sunday, October 17, 2021


The man of the house does a lot of work behind the scenes ---- waterworks, car problems, Googling stuff. But there's no doubt that women (past and present) do more than their share to keep the Domestic Unit healthy and happy...

For instance, on Canadian Thanksgiving she baked a yummy golden turkey. And the house specialty ---- chocolate bark.

Here's this week's meteorological report. Blazing sunrise but not til about 7:50am. Climate-worrisome heat wave. Unusual falling leaf pattern ---- many trees completely bare, many others still green.

Back to woman's work. First, let's restore the sheen on a weary table found at a Habitat Restore. Then let's put up a case of grape juice. Name on the label? ---- The Quay To Her Heart

Out in the yard, the gardener's grasses are up to 10 feet high. Some white blossoms brighten up the pond. But the leaf piles will be work for ---- the guy!

Very skilled work going on with fabric lovingly chosen in Bali. Careful cutting and sewing creates new comfort on the couch!

More dramatic sunrises in the fall...

Two different piles to note this week. In the country, squirrels are gathering butternuts for the  winter. That's normal, but the weird thing is they're stashing them outside; they will all be covered in snow!? In the city, a heap of buffalo skulls is one of the powerful installations denoting the horrors that Indigenous peoples suffered during Canadian colonization.

More proof of women at work? The present woman in my life loves to clean anything and everything.  And the #1 woman of my past still seems to be making my life prosperous, charmed, and blessed. Just to prove it ----  her favourite rose bloomed on her birthday. Happy Birthday Mom!