Sunday, September 19, 2021

1,000 / 41

This is the 1000th posting on this blog! It started as a first-timer chronicling a road trip down south in 2005. Then through high points and low, from pho in Vietnam to phooey in Vancouver. Lots of cars, lots of wild-in-our-windows. Daily inspiring sunrises, daily nourishing in many kitchens. Grim winters turning into green springs. So much has changed in 16 years ---- but the ONLY issue today is the climate catastrophe engulfing this beautiful planet. In the meantime, we are counting our many blessings...

The monarchs have left on their journey to Angangueo. The hummingbirds are slurping up their last sugar water before their journey to Costa Rica. Mice are trying to find a way into the warmth of the house. Chipmunks are hoovering up seeds and stashing them somewhere out there. Squirrels munch greedily on not-quite-ripe butternuts. They seem to know when storms are coming and the rains will pour.

Quite a doozy this week with tornadic winds and then warm clearing.

The angels make work for idle hands in the kitchen. Time for a pair of pies! (Remember that formula in geometry for "area of a circle"? It's 2 pi R. Get it??)

And the hits just kept coming. The oven barely cooled when a batch of custom muffins ("TropiCanada") popped in. Notice the muffin cups are blue and pink ---- can you spot the difference in the boy's vs. girl's?

Tomorrow night is the Harvest Moon ---- the full moon closest to the autumnal equinox. But it looked almost there last night. And today's sunrise was almost due east, another sign of the upcoming equals on Wednesday.

Today is the 41st Terry Fox Run For Cancer Research. An event held around the world to honour and continue the courage of Terry's epic. Even though it's virtual again this year, we'll be out there on the trail somewhere. Join us?!

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