Sunday, September 26, 2021


 Like most Canadians, we rejoiced in the release of "The 2 Michaels" from their arbitrary and inhuman mistreatment for 1020 days in a Chinese prison. Can you imagine almost three years of isolation in captivity? When asked what he will do on his first days back home in freedom, one of them said "I will walk through the trees and look up at the sky..." We couldn't agree more ---- despite all the bad stuff going on, treasure the sky and the trees. 

That sky up here is always changing and always awesome. We hiked through the trees for Terry Fox. And with summer ending, the grass got it's --- maybe? --- last mowing.

The Harvest Moon still lit up the night sky, but the morning is always fully bright. We took our regular daytrip to Toronto for a full dose of city buzz. That included patio Chinese at the iconic Goof.

The old Beach 'hood is quieter now that summer crowds have diminished. The park has "art installations" here and there. But the big surprise was the demolition of the east end of the Gardiner Expressway! Rubble will give way to a revived river precinct (note the red arches of the new bridge in the background).

Gale-force winds resulted in a 6-hour power outage. Candles and our handy camping burner saved the morning coffee! Then fall arrived (check the clock for exact time) and sure enough it was damp-chilly enough to have the first fire. 

The aftermath of the storm was broken branches, masses of fallen fruit, leaves down before their time, and a grossly wrecked shade gazebo. 

As Michael said, treasure the trees and savour the sky...the true reality show!

Sunday, September 19, 2021

1,000 / 41

This is the 1000th posting on this blog! It started as a first-timer chronicling a road trip down south in 2005. Then through high points and low, from pho in Vietnam to phooey in Vancouver. Lots of cars, lots of wild-in-our-windows. Daily inspiring sunrises, daily nourishing in many kitchens. Grim winters turning into green springs. So much has changed in 16 years ---- but the ONLY issue today is the climate catastrophe engulfing this beautiful planet. In the meantime, we are counting our many blessings...

The monarchs have left on their journey to Angangueo. The hummingbirds are slurping up their last sugar water before their journey to Costa Rica. Mice are trying to find a way into the warmth of the house. Chipmunks are hoovering up seeds and stashing them somewhere out there. Squirrels munch greedily on not-quite-ripe butternuts. They seem to know when storms are coming and the rains will pour.

Quite a doozy this week with tornadic winds and then warm clearing.

The angels make work for idle hands in the kitchen. Time for a pair of pies! (Remember that formula in geometry for "area of a circle"? It's 2 pi R. Get it??)

And the hits just kept coming. The oven barely cooled when a batch of custom muffins ("TropiCanada") popped in. Notice the muffin cups are blue and pink ---- can you spot the difference in the boy's vs. girl's?

Tomorrow night is the Harvest Moon ---- the full moon closest to the autumnal equinox. But it looked almost there last night. And today's sunrise was almost due east, another sign of the upcoming equals on Wednesday.

Today is the 41st Terry Fox Run For Cancer Research. An event held around the world to honour and continue the courage of Terry's epic. Even though it's virtual again this year, we'll be out there on the trail somewhere. Join us?!

Sunday, September 12, 2021


 Sure, the leaves have started turning their autumn Crayola box. But it's kinda drab out there with a fourth wave and somber remembrances and shorter days. So let's have some colour wherever we can find it...A good start was the full arc rainbow after a nasty rain/thunder event.

An update on the colour of water? Our taps are running clear and clean! But just to be sure, the diver is going to run another 100 feet of intake pipe out into the bay. You know, beyond where the cloudy blue turns to bright blue.

Yellow marks the advance polling booths for our federal election. Did we vote for the red, blue, purple, green, or orange party?

The Gardener gathered dusty pink Joe Pye seeds. The yummy-coloured lasagna weighed in at 11 pounds. Chocolate brown bark shone flame yellow. And the wild turkeys hope they don't turn oven-basted brown on Thanksgiving Day.

Finally some cars in living colour! First local car gathering in many months. A bright contrast to the drab black/white/silver of today's vehicles. Beauties emerged from their pampered storage spots. Hundreds of cruisers and even dozens of over-worked or over-loved tractors. Rows and rows of things you've never seen or things you're warmed to see again. Can you spot the '64 Valiant ragtop? Hint: it's red.

The Guy's Best-In-Show was that very rare and for sale (new was $2700, today is $45,000!) 1957 Ford Ranchero. Surprisingly, The Girl picks the late '40's bronzy customized stake truck. Turns out it was the immaculate classy inlaid interior. What's colourful in your life??

Sunday, September 5, 2021


 Hurricane Ida didn't reach us, but a massive destructive storm front did. Huge black clouds loomed over the house and then lashed everything with monsoon rains. An omen, but of what??

Turned out the omen of too much water in the sky was NO WATER in the house. A sudden and complete nothing in the lines. Not the breakers or the filter or anything obvious. Luckily, got two pump specialists on short notice. They agreed no problem in the house. So, down to the shore well we go. Trying one layer of possibility after another. Eventually, Felix was hanging upside down under water! Glug... They were here 3 days morning til night, hours and $$$ piling up. We're on rain barrel and 4' x 4' x 4' water cube, heating water on the stove...

Meanwhile some comic relief as two young foxes circle the house. One sunny dawn they're licking some fish skin paper. Then they come up on the porch to look for any other edibles. They just look small, not like the sleek plumpish foxes in the documentaries...

Then some fox behaviour never seen before. They realize a chipmunk is hiding in a drain pipe, scurrying back and forth in the pipe in fear. The fox runs back and forth following the sound inside the pipe. Then it leaps over and over at the pipe!?!? Trying to bust through? Intimidate? It gets pointless as the fox repeats the jump for 10 minutes or more. Huh?

After three days of working the water pump theory with no change, we get lucky again and get a diver out at short notice. Out he goes to the intake pipe ---- but the salmon derby is still on and he might be hooked as the big one! He brings in a corroded 2" steel section that probably broke "10 years ago". So we now have a temporary intake line and a temporary fix in the house. But much more work is needed next week...

Not much of a holiday weekend here with all the uncertainty of plumbing, COVID, federal election, and various crazies in various countries. But the sun came up as bright and welcome as ever. Is the well half empty or half full?