Sunday, February 14, 2021

OX and XO

 We celebrate with our Asian friends the Lunar New Year of the Ox. Only a small community in town and it's a subdued occasion this year. But the signs are there and even some fun --- this painting is called "Oxanne" 😉. The Ox year is opinionated and stubborn, an ominous sign for the Divided States that had yet another dangerous setback yesterday. Here's hoping for some sunlight for them, like the sparkle in our trees.

The snow keeps piling up, sticking like white Elmer's glue. TV and internet disappeared until the dishes were cleared.

At first The Roof Guy tried to scrape snow off with a wide pushing shovel. Ice is 10 inches thick in the troughs. Snow is higher than an elephant's knee. Not gonna work...

So next up is a roof rake with 16 foot extension poles. A strain on the arms but much better reach, rake, and results. (Nice move but this morning we got another 4 inches of the white stuff on the roof...)

What a weekend! The Lunar Ox is on the run. The already postponed Daytona 500 is in jeopardy today due to rain. The Carnival Parade in Rio has been cancelled! Break Week in Ontario has been put off. But what can't be cancelled are the X's and O's of Valentine's Day. So here's a great big kiss and hug from us to you...We all need it.

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