Sunday, June 2, 2019


It's June and the sun rises like that old song by Circle --- Red Rubber Ball. Cargo freighters glide by. Apple blossoms look like popcorn. And the annual get-rid-of-junk-by-calling-it-a-Free-Pile is out there.

Oh --- Updates on last week's post. First, the date-roll cookies were yummy, all gooey and sweet but not sugared. Second, the tree removal in Toronto is progressing. Concrete around the base has been busted up. And the stump/trunk/peg will be cut down to ground level this week. 

Weather has been cool and dampish but you can't hold back Mother Nature. Frogs have claimed the pond. Tulips, asparagus, and showy blooms abound. Wandering strawberries flourish even in gravel. Dandelions have gone from bright yellow bursts to fields of white seed heads.

Lots of yard work is late. The Gardener plants veggies, spreads mulch, and overseeds clover into the lawn.

Meanwhile, the Tool Guy replaces the anti-turkey frame beneath the feeder. The mat of seed hulls got thick and a bit boggy, even though the critters don't mind. A stronger, more compact frame is in place but so far only squirrels go under the mesh. Birds are still wary.

Like all of Canada and much of the world, we've jumped on the Raptors bandwagon. It's great for Toronto and celebrates how all cultures, colours, religions, and lifestyles come together in the most diverse city. Go Raptors! We the North!

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