Sunday, June 30, 2019

OH CANADA ----- OK!!

Summer has finally come out of hiding on this last week of June. Temperatures, flower gardens, and veggie boxes are all at their peak. Salads can't get any fresher!

Bird migration finished a while ago but some some greenery is still on the move. A highbush cranberry went east and a spire cedar (both native Canadians, eh?) took its place. Let the growth begin!

It's a holiday weekend and on a drive in the country we saw corn being planted 3 weeks late --- but the hay was ready to be baled. We even went to a popular dog show! Kincardine beach was in full bloom in full sun. But just up the road Port Elgin beach left people foggy-headed. Where's the volleyball??

Canada is consistently rated as the best country in the world and July 1 is our day to fly the flag about it. C'mon over to the bright side...Happy Canada Day!

Sunday, June 23, 2019


The parade and party for the NBA Champs Toronto Raptors became the biggest public gathering in Canadian history. 2 million delirious fans lined the route that took 5 hours instead of 2. A record number of Canadians from coast to coast to coast tuned in, but in case you missed it...

We got to city hall square 2 hours in advance but many had camped out for days so we could only get to the fringe of the masses, near one of the giant screens. Faces in the crowd reflected today's Canada, diverse but united. Go Raps, Yay Canada! It was gobsmacking once-in-a-lifetime fantastic. It's easy to pick us out in the crowd --- we're next to the guy in the Raptors shirt...

But we had to leave a bit early because subway stops were closed due to overcrowding. Eventually we got to my annual stress test appointment --- the TV in the lobby was still showing the parade! The test itself went with flying (treading?) colours. Read all about it on the screen! Even the staff were impressed. Thanks Dad for the good genes!

So now it's back at work at Kemble. The birds finally got a new feeder (see ratty old one on the mesh). A pile of logs turned the car into a truck. The Gardener was rolling in the clover. But in the kitchen, she got a little tarty.

Summer arrived on Friday with the furthest northern sunrise possible. Temperatures climbed and are more seasonal after a cold wet spring. Newbies include turkey chicks, baby raccoons, and water snakes. Over at Sauble the piping plovers are endangered but protected. Hey --- that's us!

Sunday, June 16, 2019


A cosmic family coincidence this weekend. Yesterday was 35 years since my mom had her fatal stroke. And today is Father's Day. What a pair, how lucky I am to be them. Nine months after this picture was taken, I was born. Hmmm...

What about The Tree, you ask? The area around the stump had to be cleared for the grinder to move in. The noisy, vicious teeth chewed away for hours. But it's dense hard maple so despite a mound of shavings the job wasn't finished in a day. Another trip for us to the city, coming soon I hope.

Back at Kemble the fog was thick. Then it was obvious that high winds had huffed and puffed. The deck tent had a twisted frame and a popped-off top. Destroyed. A little umbrella isn't going to do much good ---- heavy duty replacement, where are you?

Spring is late and wet. Indoors the Baker made family recipe date squares. Outdoors, the Gardener added to the pond jungle and scattered grass seed to the wind. And why weren't there any wrens in their box this year? A family of red squirrels have taken over the lease!

We had to experience famous Jurassic Park for ourselves, joining the tens of thousands in the rain for Game 5. People in the front section had been there for days to get a spot. We wound up in Section 6, 200 meters back near the CN Tower! A warm and fuzzy shiver as the multicultural crowd broke into Oh! Canada.

As basketball fans all over the world know, the NBA Championship was won outside of the US for the first time. (Like the first international World Series, also in you-know-where.) We climbed on the Raptors bandwagon late, but we've always celebrated the diversity of Toronto. It's the world, it's the world we revel in. The town (and country!) has gone delirious sharing this win --- look for us at the parade on Monday! We The North.

Sunday, June 9, 2019


The Raptors play for the NBA Championship tomorrow, and like all of Canada our hearts will be there hoping for a slam dunk. Go Raptors! Look for us in the throngs at Jurassic Park...

The week started back at the Beach in Toronto, flooded again this year. The next episode in the saga of  The Tree was to remove the giant stump. 5-foot diameter Silver maple vs. 36-inch Stihl chainsaw. The trunk finally fell with a whhhump. How often do you see/hear that?

The crew then cuts huge chunks into large chunks...

And a crane has to be used to lift them away...

The next step will be to grind the stump to below grade level...stay tuned. The dark area in the centre of the stump is from the tree drawing up water. This species grows fast because it is so thirsty and the Beach ground is so wet below.

Back at Kemble, the sunrises are earlier but more spectacular every day. Late spring means leaves are still emerging. And it's Pride month ---- our rainbow is on-line for our LGBTQ friends and rellies.

Garden Girl loves playing in the dirt. But big bonus!!---a rarity that straw bales are there too. (Does your car smell like a farm??) The Yard Guy finally puts up the gazebo, late in the season.

Birthday Girl gets a special occasion with cards and cake and a day off from chores. Great topless drive to pretty Tobermory. Even the kids have boating in mind. The ChiCheemaun devours campers like a colourful friendly whale. Classic cars are finally back in the sun. 

And here's the Official Birthday Portrait of a mature, refined, dignified adult...