Sunday, March 25, 2018


Spring officially arrived this week with a fireball sunrise due east. This is the time of year for unusual cloud formations like this ribbed “mackerel sky”. Optical illusions are caused by the shifting light, too --- like this phantom island with a plume of smoke. But winter doesn’t just disappear on March 21: the ice floes and pans still ride the waves like long white roller coasters.

Lots of evidence of critters waking up to spring. This nest had been put together and lived in til we got back, then deserted like a bad tenant skipping out on the rent. Too bad --- looks cozy!

The Ice Man tried to hack through the 8” thick pond ice to give the oxygen-deprived fish a breather. As usual, not all of them made it through the dark and cold. Would you?

Rambunctious geese honk in salute to spring and love the open water. But out on the harbour, hardcore fishers are having none-of-it (Nunavut?!). The huts are still out there and their rods must be cold.

They have been warned that the ice breaker will be plowing through the bay this morning! What’s that old saying --- “red sky in the morning, idiots take warning”? Match Madness! How many will take their first polar bear dip?

Sunday, March 18, 2018


After being away for months, life is back to normal up the hill. No regrets about coming back to winter --- this place is peaceful and beautiful in the most natural way. Besides --- yesterday was Pat-Rick Day and on Tuesday it's the first day of spring!

The time change means sunrises are later but always spectacular. There's still snow flurries but the squirrels plow through it. Inside, the Queen of Hearts bakes some tarts. It takes one to make one??

Outside it's still cold. Icicles form like daggers threatening any hopes of spring. Turkeys hunt-and-peck at feed on the ground while finches cram in the feeder above.

By the end of the day, the edges of the pond show the tiniest bit of thaw. But overall, any fish in there are under a couple of feet of ice and snow --- how do they breathe? The low beams of sunset light up naked trees like actors at an audition. Earlybirds hunch against branches, protecting their pecker. The view is serene --- any chance it will all melt by the Spring equinox on Tuesday??

Sunday, March 11, 2018


The last days in Mexico were a bit squirelly --- the live music and malecon were uppers, the heat and stinging sun were downers. We were at a Mexican wedding --- sort of. The wedding party went up the old lighthouse tower, right next to our courtyard. (Not sure why the bride was blushing ---- maybe she saw the gringos splayed out by the pool??) Like our trip, it was all sealed with a kiss...

The best we could arrange to get home was a hop/step/jump of 3 flights. Serious warning: avoid Atlanta airport because of delays, lineups, misdirection, chaotic crowds, major frustrations......

Eventually the car was retrieved from Toronto and we arrived at Home Sweet Barn. Despite the February thaws there is still lots of snow and the hill has to be climbed on foot. More flurries all week as winter refuses to give up.

But the birds insist on arriving, so lots of action around the feeder. The first blue jays, goldfinches, chickadees, and cardinals. They're saying the same thing we are --- Where have you been all winter?
(Not so welcome ---- dozens of wild turkeys raiding the feed bin...)

The ice floes are blown around by fickle winds. One lonely little iceberg floated by, like a lost puppy trying to find home.

But for us, we've found home and there's no place like it. Mr. Sun shines in our morning window. Tiny white snowdrops bring the promise of more spring colours. The first robin!! Time to put our feet up and count the blessings...

Sunday, March 4, 2018


Our trusty travel tablet has gone blank today --- Sunday off? ready to go home?? So this (hopefully) is being posted from PV's last dusty backroad internet cafe. Remember those?

The new rental is a huge improvement, even though it's only a few levels lower than the GoatPath Inn. It's behind the black-and-white-striped structure in the photo from the street below --- find it? Not much from the rocky road entrance, but a quiet green oasis inside. Top floor of three, usable kitchen, pool and open air balcony. Oh --- and panoramic views of town and bay.

Free SkyShows daily. Sunsets are fiery spectacles, moon rises are dramatic/ominous. And every night  at 9:30pm the Pirate Ship assaults shoreline walls with fireworks that boom and echo like blowouts on an 18-wheeler.

Out to the movie house, the choices of transit range from 3,800-passenger cruise ship to 1-passenger oat-eater. We settled on a creaky bus to see The Post. A history lesson from the '60's with powerful pushback to what's happening in the States these days. (Will it win an Oscar tonight?)

Vallarta is a cultural capital whether you want galleries, restaurants, festivals, public statuary, or ---like us --- live music. Huge choice of shows every night at intimate venues nearby. "Well Strung"is 4 guys on string instruments (duh!) who turn out to be as witty as they are superb musicians. (I think they get a lot more campy in the gayiety of the late-night shows..)

BohemiaViva hail from Italy via Argentina and are also jaw-dropping in playing, singing, and fun patter. Too much to describe --- watch their YouTubes.

But the trio Duende ("mischievious spirit creating heightened emotions") blew us away. Funny, creative, ancient Armenian instruments thrown in, and just stupefying in playing and dance. A blur of fingers, a whirl of feet, a ton of standing ovation. Check them out!

Meanwhile the next generation of musicians is out in the streets paying their dues. Isn't that how Springsteen, Midler, and Bieber started?

Back at the apartment, we have been shocked and challenged to see the waves of colourful and exotic (to us) birds in the African Tulip tree just 20 feet from our rail! They all drink out of the cup formed by the blossoms, like this Orchard Oriole...

Or this combo of vireo and warbler...

Or these male and female Bullock Orioles...

And last but not least my fave, this Golden Cheek Woodpecker. (That name just demands a joke, doesn't it??)