Sunday, February 25, 2018


This trip is winding down but still lots to do. Daily walks down the goat path get to the action by the shore --- a delicate balance, and shucks!

A challenge-climb is to the hilltop cross and mirador (viewpoint). It's a long way up with no road access, only trails of different difficulty. The amazing thing is it's a top-quality installation with better-than-average concrete, rails, and finish. Even more amazing --- it was all brought up on the backs of mules.

The climb is rewarded with spectacular views, although some go up just to lie down. The cross has an armed but oblivious guard. The 3-level lookout is open to whatever.

Enjoy the panoramic views, because you also have to eventually step down. There is/was a funicular to go up and down but it seems to be only for show, not working these days...

Other diversions include a bus out to Bucerias ("the place of divers"). Pleasant beach town but also overrun with more gringos (mostly Canadians!) than burros. The only diving these days is into margueritas.

 A funky open-air theatre has dozens of convincing tribute acts, from Patsy Cline to Blues Brothers to the one we saw --- Eric Clapton. Again, the owners and most of the acts are Canadian. Hmmm.

Much closer back in Vallarta, not to be upstaged  is a show place called Incanto. Huge variety of live music to choose from --- including the Blond Gypsies. Classic story of a couple who met while busking in Europe in the good old days. Fiery guitar, moody castanets, booming emotional voices. Ole!

More bird sightings. Water water everywhere but even birds need it unsalted. Hummingbirds dart around but defy our i-d'ing. Much easier to see is the grouse-size, rooster-cackling, blossom-eating chachalaca (aka "cha-cha").

Three Mexican myths (?) Yes, iguanas do grow on trees. Yes, scorpions do appear in the shower. Yes, we've been drinking the tap water for weeks now. How's your tap??

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