Sunday, April 2, 2017


The April Fool that tricked Pat was the sighting of a bare in the woods, and that's no spelling mistake...

The real bears know it's a bit too early to emerge because snow flurries still whiten the ground like icing sugar. But the sun is emerging earlier each day. The first of the wintering lake freighters has left port. And the local waterfalls are roaring. All signs of spring!

The early bloomers have emerged too. Yellow crocus, purplish thyme, mauve croci. And now that the pond ice has thawed, the vital oxygenators can be seen in full flourish. How did they grow underwater, under ice, under the radar??

The human residents are emerging too. The Master Gardener is advising others on how to get growing. The Master Sewer got the new machine going with a critical job ---- repairing a car cover. The local Sportsmen's Club provided a trunkful of bluebird and bumblebee boxes. (Who's going to put them up??)

The awesome winged migration has begun, and they're all hungry from the trip. Goldfinches, house finches, grackles, juncos, etc., etc. In the pond, a flash of orange --- a relief that the pondfish survived another ice-prison winter. Welcome back!

The Maintenance Guy has his hands full with those boxes. But if something bigger tries to fit in ---- duck!

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