Sunday, April 30, 2017


More ominous clouds this week --- and cold rain today, on the last day of April. May Day! May Day?

One of the staff leaves when the chips are down, the other is ready to hum. A visiting neighbour is impressed with the waterfall --- but asked "when does it run out??"

Birds of a feather flock together --- there are consecutive waves of blue, red, brown, yellow, and  many combos of two-tone. One turkey lost his head on the lawn because Mrs. Turkey is digging a nest on the ground, too close to the window!

Speaking of tu-tones (as it was spelled in the heyday of colourful cars), how about a nice copper and black? It works for these tree buds or on this squirrel.

But the May flowers are for real, not may-be's. A daze of daffies, a pussy of willows, a veil of violets, a dandy-lion. Bee mine??

Like swallows returning to Capistrano, the local ferry Chi Cheemaun passed by on its shakedown cruise for the season. A day/night rehearsal for the summer. What's the pot of gold at the end of your spring rainbow?

Sunday, April 23, 2017


The weather is still a mix of rain, frost, and sun in different combos. But Spring continues to spring to life. On the list of flying things, a pair of mallards want to claim the pond as Home Quack Home. There's flashes of colours at the feeders. Turkeys are foul fowl on the lawn. The first butterfly is flitting --- an Admiral that spend the winter hidden under fallen leaves! Unfortunately a lot of birds whack themselves against the reflecting windows ---- most recover after some TLC from the Bird Lady.

On land and water, this Zone is absolutely exuberating. Bushes are budding, hyacinth stretching like posers at a gym. Salamanders claim a water basket to be egged on. Dozens of We're-Gonna-Be Goldfish literally go to school.

Inside, it's also spring with cleaning and repairs. Note the source of the ruler!

The highlight of the week was a slog through a nearby section of the muddy Bruce Trail, to see and pay tribute to the little-known Polish Soldier Tree. Exactly 75 years ago when Polish military were training just down the road from us, a proud Pole carved his message to eternity in this beech tree. Look carefully for the date on the top line --- "4-17-1942". My (dad's) Polish side emerged like a spring tornado of  pride and wonder at this anonymous patriotism and hope. The amazing and cosmic coincidence is that exactly one day earlier, April 16 1942, my parents were married 200 miles south in Windsor!! Do you believe in angels??

With that heartwarming experience in mind, yesterday on Earth Day new growth and optimism was created. In one day heavy rocks were rearranged into a planting bed, soil was troweled in, and a pretty pile of Patsy's pastel petals was produced. Say that 5 times quickly and you'll get the same smiles as we did!

Sunday, April 16, 2017


It's seems like a broken record to say we've had glorious sunrises, snowflurries, and heavy rain ---- all this week. Another lake freighter left port and the crew had a good view of the bush fire on the far shore. The Manitoulin ferry is still docked, getting wrapped with colourful First Nations' symbols. The bloomin' daffodils remind that April is fundraising month to fight cancer --- something that has affected us all.

The winged migration intensifies with purplish house finches and other pretty peckers. Squirrels are so hungry they don't care which way is up! And the first frogs have emerged from the depths of the pond --- how do they survive down there all winter?

The View Staff has emerged into work mode too. Here's photographic proof that one of them works four times as much as the other.

Happy Easter to all you faithful out there, and He is Risen! But it's also The Bunny's big gig. He's everywhere admiring springtime and spreading sweetness. If you are a true believer the egg hunt lasts all day and the calories might last all year!!