Sunday, February 26, 2017


OK, first let's answer all of you that asked what the late but romantic Valentine's gift was? It's a 2-fan a/c cooling assembly for Pat's Eos! Thoughtful and unique, no? So, how would it go over if you gave your special someone car parts? (Don't try this at home, I have experience...)

So then the OTHER storm was the standard weather type. Two days of lashing rain, closed beaches and surfers' delight. The undertow sucked out tons of sand and turned the water brown. Normally there's about 200 feet from the car to the ocean, but the high tide got close enough to salt-spray the tires!

But the skies have cleared in time for Race Week. Sunrises are spectacular. Pelicans cruise by the balcony like fighter jets, so close you can feel the wingbeats. The Goodyear blimp loops around town, not as close as the pelicans but way more dramatic.

Protests against the deteriorating political situation are increasing here. On the other hand, some just want to fish.

Later today is the biggest NASCAR race of the season --- the Daytona 500. Everybody compares it to the Superbowl in crowds and money. Tickets are bought and sold at every corner, more scalpers than for hockey tickets at playoff time back home. But we went to Fan Fest yesterday just to feel the buzz. A massive Bass Pro shop had it's Grand Opening across the street ---- free parking for us impostor fishers!

The Speedway just underwent $200 million in upgrades, including a humongous merchandise and display area. Mobs of girly-ogling, T-shirt wearing, Coke-sampling race fans. What impressed us the most was the attempts to go to solar power, as demonstrated by this mini-500 track. Duh --- they call themselves The SUNSHINE State --- solar seems obvious.

But we're avoiding the mob and traffic jams today, maybe watch a bit of the race on TV. Two fans, remember?

Sunday, February 19, 2017


The weather has been nicely cool and breezy. Most mornings start with a fireball sunrise lighting up fishing trawlers and shoals of shore birds. Finally though this week Florida got some badly needed rain to ease the drought. Free natural car wash too!

Valentine's Day brought big hearts in the sand and a smaller one on Sweetie's trail. Unfortunately, the surprise gift I ordered online still hasn't arrived. Stay tuned, it's soooo romantic.

Pre-dawn the light is poor for photos from the balcony. But you can make out these hundreds of military doing stamina drills by running a mile with 50-pound packs. Some of them over-exerted. On the lighter side, life guards do rescue training that looks like fun.

Around the 'hood, there's bad news and good. On one hand, the high-profile community garden has been abandoned. On the positive side, the city has installed self-fixing stations along the bicycle trails. Something Toronto and elsewhere could copy ---- common tools and a secure air pump. Very smart.

But the big buzz is the start of Race Week leading up to next Sunday's Daytona 500, the SuperBowl of NASCAR racing. Lots of preliminary races, celebrity events, and of course merchandise tents. It all started about 100 years ago when the hotrodders raced on the long wide flat beaches. Motorcycles too.

At nearby Ponce Inlet the famed North (and South) Turn where the historic beach racers sped through on their return --- the original Back Straight! Yesterday the clock was turned back and the noise was turned up by restored vintage race cars. For a car guy, awesome history and fantastic machines rolled up in one. Holy Jalopy!

Heritage Indian motorcycles emerged from the sands of time, too. But (Q:) Why were the 2-wheelers all numbered 35?? (A.) All the bikes are from one family's racing team and the number is assigned to the team. Bikes #2, 3, and 4 are back-ups. 

With the nostalgic smell of dirty exhaust and the noise of hundreds of horsepower, the beauties lined up for the green flag Start. Dogged determination!

The glorious "race"ended in front of us at the same checker-flagged Finish Line as a century ago. If these cars could talk, what would they say about the newfangled premium fuel? the bikinis? the drones?!? And just to be correct for the period, some had to be pushed over the line. Most of the crowd burst into applause for the excitement.

Sunday, February 12, 2017


Had to night-cruise the strip before leaving Miami Beach. With the top down it always seems like a movie scene with lights, camera, action!

Then a slow drive up classic US 1, sort of like a north-south Route 66 because this was winter's mother road in it's day. Had a fun visit with the same rellies who met us at Clearwater just last week! Another pleasant and scenic spot (Vero Beach) but the highlight was the return of the manatees. These 800-pound "sea cows" drifted lazily right under our footbridge with newborn, mom, and 2 males. Awesome nature.

Sights along the next stretch included this watering of a johnny-on-the-spot. Anybody want to offer a funny captions? (Ryan??)

After 10 days en route from Toronto we finally arrived at Daytona Beach. Fourth time at this condo building that has all we want and need at a low low price. Friendly staff, gym & pool, 450 sq. ft. on oceanside 8th floor. Plus a full moon and comet on the first night!

By day the view is north to the pier and south to forever. By night the same views become lights and colours from reds to blues.

So we're settled in for a month. Hot dogs on a truck and jello in a pan...

It's back to the ritual of cranking out long morning hikes on hardpack sand at sunrise. Girl and gulls. Welcome back!