Sunday, April 24, 2016


Still chilly days with single-digit C degrees but Spring can't be stopped from springing. Little blue hyacinths won the race to blossom first, but the daffodils are more showy. First sighting of the solitary 3-tone towhee. Unusual sighting of the redwing blackbird at the feeder --- they're usually out in the marsh. And a first in the pond --- clumps of eggs that aren't frog or fish; they're salamander eggs!

The staff is springing into action too. Pond Girl In Rubber gets wet, cold, and dirty arranging the plants just so. Man In The Chips knows which fork to use after all.

A fun annual local event is Grown In Grey where school kids learn about farming and related activity. One popular booth is the demonstration of maple syrup production. But how can you not smile at 12 piglets taking turns at mom's 8 outlets!  Meanwhile, the Master Gardener enthralls the kids with a quiz about the veggies we enjoy: are they root, stem, or leaf??

But the longterm event this week was putting in a new clothesline pole. Here's proof that the classic/rare/pristine truck actually does some work! That's the proverbial 10-foot pole that nobody wants to touch (it) with, right? Well. she did! First it gets asphalt-sealed, then readied for raising.

The Cement Mixer has a lot of experience, getting just the right texture. And The Leveller tries not to be fooled by the optical illusion caused by the sloping yard. As the concrete sets, the pulley and clothesline are prepared. Any guesses why the blowtorch? All went well but somebody had to get hung out to dry...

Sunday, April 17, 2016


The second week of April started in deep cold but the Coast Guard dropped channel buoys on schedule. Snowshoe hares had changed from winter white to spring brown but could be easily spotted against the --- winter white! Birds looking for a drink landed on solid ice. Birds looking for nyjer seed had to pick it out from a snow cone.

Very annoyingly, the turkeys were still totally gobbling up sunflower seeds meant for other birds. Enough! Old chicken wire stapled onto an old trellis seemed to be an ATD (anti-turkey device). But version #1 was placed on old milk crates that still allowed turkeys to get under. Version #2 lowered the ATD onto plant trays. Hooray --- turkeys can't get through (Kudos to my dad's genes!). Other birds and squirrels actually seem to enjoy the cover. Maybe they feel safe from hawks overhead??

Warm weather finally arrived mid-week and the house windows were opened for the first time since October. Cargo ships left port one-by-one loaded with grain destined for Montreal. Yard work resumed big-time. First came a rock-and-a-hard-place. Then digging out the stump of the old clothesline pole. Uh-oh, where`s the maid going to hang today`s laundry??

Spring has sprung and a man`s fancy turns to --- oil changes and car washes! But we are very concerned about the alarming die-off of bees. Problem is that fully a third of our food depends on pollinators to grow, including all fruits, almonds, coffee, honey, etc., etc. "Buzz" the HoneyBee on Canadian Honey Nut Cheerios has disappeared to emphasize the danger to us all. Check out the website and help BringBackTheBees, pleez.

Sunday, April 10, 2016


A lot of things to see and do up here on the hill, but this week things seemed very familiar. Been there, done that??

Epic sunrises happen every day, but one morning there was also a pretty cool (-12C!) moonrise. The lady of the house fills her need to bake while the other guy just fills out the tax forms. Now, that's April!

The turkeys still gobble loudly but also still fearlessly gobble the songbird seed. Our official Turkey Repeller Umbrella only keeps them away for a few minutes. Nothing new there.

Spring has yet to arrive, so we're still feeling wintery. Another big snow dump, more brutal cold, another round of shoveling. Same, same.

The snow and cold hasn't stopped the turkeys from strutting or the migrating birds from arriving. One bird, though, pecked repeatedly on the glass slider as if wanting to come in and warm up! Whats'a matter --- chicken?? :) All the usual migrants load up in the crowded house. And as usual, we have seen a bird that we can't identify ---- ayone out there name this close-up?

But there IS something new in the barn. A one-owner lady-driven Mustang! Wait --- isn't that the same car that I sold last May?? Yes and no. The 2005-2009 generation was the last to have my favourite tan interior and throwback styling. After 2010 they have dark interiors and these days the body seems to be on steroids. So the new one is pretty close to the old one --- can you spot the differences. Deja vu to you!