Sunday, February 28, 2016


How many times can you notice the theme of water in today's blog...?

Right away in the first days here in Vallarta plumbers had to come up to fix pesky water leaks in the kitchen and bathroom. And Pat couldn't get over her serious coughing, so another doctor and more prescriptions. Ironically, one of the hi-tech suggestions was to inhale Vick's VapoRub in hot water under a towel, just like we did as kids. And another was to snort a saline solution --- sea water --- several times a day.

Along the shore, a pelican stayed out of the water after finishing off a bottle of Old Seabird. But the old seabird was finishing off a cup of coffee! Appearing like a Car Guy's dream was a rally of about a dozen absolutely pristine beauties from the '50's, like this 1955 Ford. A treat for a guy who hasn't been behind a steering wheel for months. Meanwhile, a horse of a different kind left his exhaust on the street. Wonder of wonders, the caballero dismounted to stoop and scoop --- better than a lot of dog walkers.

There's always something going on along the walkway by the water. Kids marvel at playing the drums. The full moon rises by the cathedral spire. And the iconic dolphins seem to be alive, leaping and splashing in the fountain's multi-coloured waters.

On one stage there's a Mexican Idol final four. On another there's a troupe of kids dancing like their ancestors. The nightly pirate ship glides by on dark waters, ready to fire cannons and fireworks at us landlubbers. So naturally we joined in the fearless dancing brigades --- tangoes under the mangoes!

The worrisome water works for the tourist season was the arrival of huge pounding waves for days on end. No surfing here because rocks are thrown up with the foam. Acres of beach washed away. Gringos thinking maybe they should go inland for tonight's sundowner. And massive erosion right to the dining room!

A handy quirk of our rental is that the balcony is over a sports bar. Pat can lean over the rail and watch the women's championship curling! So if you count ice as hard water, how many mentions of that word today??

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