Sunday, February 22, 2015


There's a different event or attraction every day. The weather event was record-breaking cold --- below freezing overnight ---so cold that even some trees got crochet-coats! Then pouring rain too. And how about those hurricane surge warnings...

But it was almost always sunny, which helps outdoor events. Motorcycles old and new roared on display, with chrome mirroring and custom paint impressing. Meanwhile down the road a classic car cruise drew me in like an old fender to a magnet. So many beauties, so little room for pictures. My favourite had an interior as orange as a case of the famous Florida fruit.

We try to observe international occasions wherever we are. February always brings Pancake Tuesday, so we had brought some mix from home (but never as good as mom used to make!!). Then the Chinese New Year brought fond memories of Asia. But no Chinatown down here to celebrate in; the best we could do was Chinese take-out.

The two Pats reveled in the Florida Botanical Garden, a visual feast of palms, blossoms, and ever-greenery. Just don't be a feast for the 'gators! Nearby a historic village recreated Florida of long ago, complete with working general store. Maybe I can get some parts for my old Dodge?

So there's never a dull moment unless you want one. Just roll on down the river, like a dolphin on cruise control.

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