Saturday, January 3, 2015


Rainy nights in Georgia gradually cleared as we entered Florida, were impressed with Jacksonville Beach, and then were hugely surprised with St. Augustine. For one thing, Santa was zonked out there, recovering from his Christmas marathon!

Very interesting history reminder at the site of Ponce de Leon's 1513 landing to find the famous Fountain of Youth. It seems totally believable as the place is jumping with surfers, loud pirates, and giant ice cream cones. Visiting teachers can ponder a school older than their own!

But the howling blustery storms returned with our arrival at the compact condo in Daytona Beach. A real shame because outdoor New Year's Eve celebrations were planned with bands, beer gardens, bright lights, and midnight fireworks. Crowds came out anyway and as luck would have it, the rain stopped between 10pm 2014 and 12am 2015 ---- just right to walk out the rebuilt 350 ft. town pier and take in the sight.  (Here's our Happy New Year To You! selfie....)

New Year's morning brought out what up north is called "Polar Bear Dip" but here it's in warm water ---- how about "Porpoise Plunge"? And like turning over a new leaf, the weather since has been sunny, breezy, and Floridian warm. Cars are back rolling on the famous hardpack sands, life guards post the green all-clear flags, and the shore birds troll for handouts.

(This is posted a day earlier than usual because we leave early tomorrow morning for our next destination. Lots of topless down there...)

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