Sunday, September 28, 2014


Beautiful summer weather in this first week of fall. The leaves are changing colours but the boaters are still out on the blue. Two extremes in the creature world ---- baby snails s-l-o-w-l-y crawl up the garage door: to where, and why? In the meantime the bees are busy and buzzy all over the gardens. And kissing my ash goodbye continues but the trees are bigger and/or on steep slopes.

But the big news is that after 11 years of our being here and months of promises, our road has finally been resurfaced. There has been dust, mud, and flying gravel for weeks. (The Big Boy's Toys have been confined to the barn, demanding to be out where they belong...) Easy to get roadside for a closeup view of the blacktop because the noise of approaching heavy equipment gives you lots of warning. The actual asphalt layer goes down pretty quick, about 1/2 a kilometre per hour. What was that famous movie line: "I love the smell of asphalt in the morning"?? Scraper, grader, roller, layer, roller. And repeat.

The lane marker paint lines went down yesterday even faster, at least 12km in a day. All the cars can now resume cruising. Now, how about that long overdue sunset drive...

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